The following tables list the members exposed by PageFactory.
Public Methods
| Name | Description |
| DeletePage | Delete a single page from the system. |
| FindPage | Try to route the requested Url. Returns true if handled or false if not. |
| GetAncestors | Overloaded. Get a collection with all ancestors to a page. Usefull for bread crumbs and to traverse through parents. Related to GetPagePath but without the current page in the list. |
| GetChildrenForPage | Overloaded. Gets children for a page based on publish state or predicate. |
| GetChildrenForPageOfPageType | Overloaded. Gets children of a specified page type for a particular page. |
| GetPage | Overloaded. Gets a page based on the identity parameters passed to the function. |
| GetPageIdFromUrl | Gets the id for a page based on the specified url. |
| GetPagePath | Overloaded. Gets a collection of a page and all it's ancestors. Usefull for bread crumbs and to traverse through parents. Related to GetAncestors but also includes the current pag. |
| GetPages | Overloaded. Get all pages based on a certain criteria. Performs a site wide search. |
| GetPageTreeFromPage | Overloaded. Get a collection with the page tree from a specified root. |
| GetParentAtLevel | Get the specified page's parent from the defined level. For instance if you call this function with a page that is 5 levels beyond the root and request the second level page the system will itterate through the parents until it's on level 2 and return that page. |
| GetSpecificVersion | Overloaded. Get a specific version of a page. |
| GetWorkingCopy | Gets or creates a new working copy version of a page. |
| MovePage | Move the specified page to the new parent specified as target. |
| ReorderChildren | Reorder children when the parent page is set to sort its children using SortIndex. |
Public Events
| Name | Description |
 | PageDeleted | Event that occurs when a page has been deleted. |
 | PagePublished | Event that occurs when a page has been published. |
 | PageSaved | Event that occurs when a page has been saved. |
See Also