Get all values from CheckBoxList in C#

November 04, 2010 C# LINQ Snippet
This is a class that add an extension to the CheckBoxList class to return a comma separated string with all the selected values.

You call this function by the following:
string mySelectedValues = myCheckBoxList.GetSelectedValues();
The class to place somewhere in you project (remember to add a using-reference to any class you want to call this function from:
public static class CheckBoxListExtension {
public static string GetSelectedValues(this CheckBoxList checkBoxList) {
string retval = string.Empty;

try {
foreach (ListItem item in checkBoxList.Items) {
if (item.Selected) {
retval += item.Value + ',';
catch (Exception) {

return retval;

Or the same code if LINQ is your poison:
public static class CheckBoxListExtension {
public static string GetSelectedValues(this CheckBoxList checkBoxList) {
string retval = string.Empty;

try {
retval = checkBoxList.Items.Cast<ListItem>().Where(item => item.Selected).Aggregate(retval, (current, item) => current + (item.Value + ','));
catch (Exception) {

return retval;

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